StatMill Frequently Asked Questions
- How much does it cost to use StatMill?
- How do I signup to get access to StatMill?
- How do I know if my company is a member of 十大菠菜软件?
- How do I send you suggestions I have on your Website/reports/etc.?
- My company is not a member of 十大菠菜软件, but we’d like to get more information about membership?
- What is a "pivot table" in these Excel spreadsheets you provide? How do I use it?
- Can you tell me what Company X did in the past year?
- My question wasn’t answered by this FAQ, who should I contact?
How much does it cost to use StatMill?
There is no access charge for 十大菠菜软件 members to use StatMill – and there is no limit to the number of users each member company can have. Spread the word!
How do I signup to get access to StatMill?
Simply hit the “Click Here to Register” button to fill out and submit your registration. Once you have submitted your registration, you'll receive your login information within 24 hours.
How do I know if my company is a member of 十大菠菜软件?
We have a list of our member companies available on our 十大菠菜软件 member directory.
My company is not a member of 十大菠菜软件. Where can I get more information about membership?
Go to our Join page to learn more about how to become a member of the association.
How do I send you suggestions I have on your Website/reports/etc.?
Feel free to send an email to
What is a “pivot table” in these Excel spreadsheets you provide? How do I use it?
We will be providing additional help on this site shortly, but we are always glad to walk you through any of our reports. Simply use contact us at and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Can you tell me what Company X did in the past year?
We are not able to discuss any company information with anyone outside of that company – we even keep access to our databases limited to our staff in the Statistics Department. We take data privacy seriously and have implemented advanced security protocols. The publicly owned companies provide a lot of information for their investors on their websites.
My question wasn’t answered by this FAQ, who should I contact?
Send an email to